A business needs a business plan to act as a roadmap for development and to guide key decisions. But, according to ACCA and the Corporate Finance Network, 65% of small to medium-sized enterprises don’t have a business plan.
Not having a business plan is like driving without knowing the destination. You will end up somewhere, but not where you want to be.
A business plan not only makes decision-making and financial planning easier, but it will increase the value of your business if you’re looking to sell or seek investment. Businesses with a business plan will make more profit, take less risks and give their team confidence that they know where the business (and their careers) are heading.
Your dedicated Client Manager at Coopers&Co will work with you and your leadership team to identify your goals, objectives, financial requirements and help structure a business plan to help achieve them.
A business plan works best when it informs your regular financial reporting so that you can measure your actual performance against your business plan, making adjustments along the way to help you achieve the goals you’ve set out in your business plan.